Word Navigation or WORDNAV

 Action learning is a method that we have developed at Salamanca House to help build and consolidate your vocabulary. To start with we are going to use this learning method to build vocabulary associated with your living space. This program runs parallel and independently to your weekly classes; it is an activity that you can take at your own pace, there is no rush! You are going to build your vocabulary by undertaking and completing simple, everyday actions around the house. In a nutshell you will become your own SATNAV and use words to guide yourself as you carry out these actions. For example tidying the sitting room or making a meal in the kitchen.


To start with, you will need to remember the names of as many objects around the house as you can. To help you do this, we have prepared a set of labels for you. Cut them out and stick them around your home. This will help you remember the words.

LABELLING OBJECTS IS NOT ENOUGH; if only life was that easy!

 We have also prepared a list of nouns and worksheets to help improve your recall. Remember that writing words down helps you to remember them. So print the sheets and complete them two or three times. This will really help to build up your house vocabulary.


In addition to these workbooks, we have also provided a large selection of online interactive spelling tests, quizzes, listening exercises and drills to help you gain confidence at recall and pronunciation. The link below will give you access to these activities.




To perform the ACTION LEARNING tasks you will also need to know the verbs that describe the actions you are carrying  out. This requires knowledge of regular, irregular and reflexive verbs. So if you are a Salamanca House student it is probably best to wait until you have finished BLOCK F before you start learning these verbs. On saying that, even if you are a beginner, you can still have a go. You will understand the irregularities later. Also, to do the initial action learning activities you only need to know first person singular of each verb [that's in "Yo"]. As with the nouns we have provided you with a verb list followed by activities to help your recall:



And as with the house vocabulary, we have also provided you with online activities including quizzes, listening drills and translation drills to help consolidate your recall, conjugation and pronunciation of these important verbs. The link below will give you access to these activities:



Once you have practiced the nouns and verbs you then need to start translating phrases. These combine the nouns and verbs that you have already been learning, and you are going to use them as you auto-navigate yourself around the house. The link below will give you access to these activities:




Once you have thoroughly practiced the nouns, verbs, phrase translations and pronunciation you are ready to switch into WORD-NAV mode. It may take you three months to get here or it may take a week, what is important is that you have a relatively firm base to start from. Once you have got that base you can have a go. So let´s do it!



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